Friday, June 27, 2014

Breaking Boundaries in the Field


I believe that Dr. Shane Caswell is a very important researcher and scholar in regards to the subject of concussion and in the Athletic Training field in general. Dr. Mr. Caswell received his B.S. in Physical Education Teacher Certification and Athletic Training form the State University of New York at Brockport, an M.S. in Athletic Training, and his Ph.D. from Ohio University. Dr. Caswell is an Associate Professor of Athletic Training and founding Executive Director of the Sports Medicine Assessment,Research & Testing (SMART) Laboratory at George Mason University.

Dr. Caswell is the recipient of the Virginia Athletic Trainer’s Association Researcher of the Year Award and the George Mason University College of Education and Human Development Scholarly Achievement Award. He is a member of US Lacrosse Sport Science Safety Committee and is on the Editorial Boards for the Journal of Athletic Training, Injury Epidemiology, and the International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training.

“His pioneering research is the first to combine video analysis with epidemiological data to identify the types of game play situations in which head injuries occur in girls’ and boys’ lacrosse. Findings from this work have contributed to rule changes designed to improve safety in boys’ and girls’ lacrosse nationwide”

His main topic of interest is youth sport safety and prevention and management of traumatic brain injury, or concussion. His extensive research on youth sport safety has accumulated to invaluable information.

He shares this information in a Vision Works presentation at George Mason University Prince William Campus.

Recently, Dr. Caswell has created a research project to improve how traumatic brain injuries are diagnosed and managed. He has teamed up with Emmanuel Petricoin, another George Mason University researcher, to test the hypothesis that a biomarker in saliva can determine if there is concussion activity in an individual.

I have had the opportunity to work with Dr. Mr. Caswell on this study doing data collection with the helmet sensors and video recordings for analysis. He is a pleasure to work with and has a brilliant mind. He has contributed to the Athletic Training field in many ways and is respected in the Sports Medicine community.

For more information on Dr. Shane Caswell and to see a collection of his published works, please visit:


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